Tale of Inpherna | Page 1 Mobile
We will begin posting the mobile versions of all the pages along with the regular print versions. 😉 Enjoy
We will begin posting the mobile versions of all the pages along with the regular print versions. 😉 Enjoy
What would you do? Would you go on an adventure?
When tragedy strikes Inpherna’s whole world is turned upside down. 🙁
A portrait of young Anthis Tawik painted by a professional Searadithian oil painter. It is display at his funeral. Orowyn, the family phoenix cat, sits atop his shoulder. In this portrait, he recently had his 1st rebirth out of 8 on his 25th year.
Who is this dark haired man?!
The test begins …
While learning about followers of the Servant, Minas, Banis notices a letter addressed to him. Who could it be from?
A new life has begun. What lies ahead?
What would you do? Would you go on an adventure?
Trying to figure out, everything.