Pg 72 | Thicker Than Water | Mobile
Parentage is more than lineage. Don’t miss the second image for the full episode!
Parentage is more than lineage. Don’t miss the second image for the full episode!
Feels like I have been asleep forever…
‘Nix cats, owlgriffs, dragon puppies, rabbicorns, and velogriffs, oh my! And those Nyarri look like they are in the market for some nova shards! Run, Inpherna Run!
Next stop, refueling and restocking at Freeman’s Port, a medieval port city in an asteroid belt.
But where’s the milk?
Yoroko needs to find out what’s happening to her family.
A few more characters are about to enter, so we want your feedback first. We’ll do another character poll again later!
Parentage is more than lineage.
Sleep well my friend for I know it is our fate, That we will meet again at Hasendell’s gate. For one day all shall stand before the gates of glory. When none can speak to tell of their life story. But I shall speak for you so that all may know, Of the deeds you …. Read More