Pg 75 | The Nova | Mobile
The test begins …
The test begins …
A portrait of young Anthis Tawik painted by a professional Searadithian oil painter. It is display at his funeral. Orowyn, the family phoenix cat, sits atop his shoulder. In this portrait, he recently had his 1st rebirth out of 8 on his 25th year.
Aura shards protect against the destructive power of energy shards. They can also partially deflect hard blows from melee weapons. It is thought to be similar to the natural aura or shield that instinctively forms around novaborn. The size and strength of the aura can be tuned by a novaborn for various needs. They come …. Read More
The royal dragon dog is a noble and fierce protector. They are often used as regal guards for the Emperor of Searadith. They are smaller domesticated offspring from the wind and dangerous Dragolf, but they are the closest breed to their distant ancestor.
The Wyvern. A fearsome creature. A close relative to the dragon. Its speed allows it to act as a scout for packs of dragons. In the same way, the Tawik family look out for the empire. Although they are not as mighty as the dragon, they too have an important roll to play.
While learning about followers of the Servant, Minas, Banis notices a letter addressed to him. Who could it be from?
What would you do? Would you go on an adventure?
Do you want to train with me? Check yes or no.
Banis doesn’t even know why he’s here… It was a long one so I split it into two images! Don’t miss the 2nd image! 🙂
The test begins …