We are a small team of developers, based out of Alberta, Canada. Our Co-founders are Stephen and Brittany Harper who met in a video game club in college. They soon after, got married, and decided to make a video game development studio. So, they gathered a team, who were dedicated in their fields of art, music, writing, programming, etc., to learn together and build the Novaborn universe through comics and video games.
Who We Are
We are a group of dedicated developers who want to bring immersive and fun video games back to the living room. Our bottom line is making quality games that you can play with your friends and family. We like gaming together and we know you do too. Unfortunately, our first game, unless fully funded, will not be able to include co-op. But it’s our ultimate goal in the future.
Our History
Since the beginning of 2015, we have been creating the universe of Novaborn and gathering our team together. Now, we are building a demo in Unreal Engine 4 to show to the world.
Which follows the events of our Novaborn: Tale series
Contact Us
If you have a question that hasn’t been answered in our FAQ or want to join the team, feel free to send us a private message on our facebook page or send us an email at apply@raptagonstudios.com.